Jamie Maxim
Lead Pastor, Elder
Jamie grew up in Cuba, NY, a small town about 2 hours south of Buffalo. From childhood he attended church with his family but he did not walk with Christ while growing up. He immersed himself in school and sports. When it came time to select a college he chose Ball State because he wanted to become an Athletic Trainer. God had other plans. At Ball State Jamie came to faith in Jesus Christ and he met his beautiful wife Angie. In college, God gave Jamie a passion for God’s Word and he started to discern his calling into full-time ministry.
After graduation, Jamie and Angie were married. About 8 years later Jamie received theological training at the Sovereign Grace Pastors College. He then served in various pastoral roles in 3 different churches over the next 10 years, before the Lord led him to plant a church in St. Joseph, Michigan. Jamie has 4 children.
After graduation, Jamie and Angie were married. About 8 years later Jamie received theological training at the Sovereign Grace Pastors College. He then served in various pastoral roles in 3 different churches over the next 10 years, before the Lord led him to plant a church in St. Joseph, Michigan. Jamie has 4 children.

Hugh Duncan
Worship Leader
Hugh's parents taught him the Bible while growing up, and he professed faith in Christ at age 10. As a young adult he went through a season of being overwhelmed with a sense of wonder at what Jesus did to take his sin and give him new life. Aware of his extreme weakness, Hugh wants to learn to be a disciple of Jesus and a worshipper of the triune God.
Hugh produces radio programs, podcasts, and videos for the ministry Revive Our Hearts. He's also a student at Cornerstone Seminary pursuing a Masters in Divinity.
Hugh and Renae were married in 1995 and have two adult daughters, Nora and Muriel. All four of them love exploring the wonders of God's creation together through nature, food, music, art and stories. They want to share that wonder with others, and use it to point toward the gospel.
Hugh produces radio programs, podcasts, and videos for the ministry Revive Our Hearts. He's also a student at Cornerstone Seminary pursuing a Masters in Divinity.
Hugh and Renae were married in 1995 and have two adult daughters, Nora and Muriel. All four of them love exploring the wonders of God's creation together through nature, food, music, art and stories. They want to share that wonder with others, and use it to point toward the gospel.
Gabie Bosio
General Administration and Harvest Kids Director
Gabie and her husband Josh were married in 2023. She has served in numerous capacities over the years at Harvest, starting with being on the set up crew with several other students when we used to meet at the YMCA. She has served in Harvest Kids in several ways and is currently a coordinator.
Gabie enjoys volleyball and currently coaches the Bridgman JV girls team. You can often find Gabie making fancy coffee or cooking "gourmet" food. She also loves to organize things.
Gabie enjoys volleyball and currently coaches the Bridgman JV girls team. You can often find Gabie making fancy coffee or cooking "gourmet" food. She also loves to organize things.

Duane Anderson
Duane grew up on a farm/ranch in western Nebraska. Even though he went to church with his family, he didn't understand the gospel. While attending the University of Nebraska someone shared the gospel with him and he placed his faith in Christ. After graduating with a degree in Animal Science he returned home to work in a partnership with his dad. However, Duane sensed a call from the Lord to enter full-time ministry. He joined the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ (now called "Cru") and served in campus ministries in Texas for several years. Duane then sensed the Lord's call to the mission field. He went to southern Africa to minister to the Tswana people in 1978 and that's where he got to know his wife, Bonnie. When he returned to the US they were married and he completed his theology degree at Dallas Theological Seminary. They then returned to Africa where Duane taught for several years at the Theological College of Central Africa in Ndola, Zambia . After they returned to the US Duane served 27 years in pastoral ministry in the Stevensville area. While Duane was pastor of Lakeshore Baptist Church he became friends with Pastor Jamie Maxim, who was pastoring Harvest Bible Chapel. When the two churches decided to merge and become Harvest Lakeshore, Duane retired from full-time pastoral ministry. He and Bonnie have continued to be very involved in the ministry of HL. Duane and Bonnie have two grown children and two granddaughters.

Mike Klunder
Mike was blessed to be born in the Grand Rapids area of MI to a Bible believing, God honoring family. Most of his youth involved family, sports, camping and spending time outdoors with his 4 brothers. Faith was interwoven in all of these activities and Mike made his public profession of faith at age 14. College years were Mike’s first experience of “owning” his own personal faith and God was gracious and patient during that period.
Mike met his wife Kim in his senior year of college. During that time, Mike & Kim were married, he graduated with an Electrical Engineering degree from Western Michigan University, their first child was born, and they moved to Stevensville as Mike started his 39 year career with Indiana Michigan Power. Mike & Kim started attending a local church where they mentored, encouraged, and had incredible opportunities to live out their faith in a community of believers. In addition, Mike & Kim helped lead Youth Group, provide leadership as founding board members of a local ministry for girls called "Well of Grace", and start a Marriage Ministry program. Together they raised their 4 children and are passionate about investing in their 12 grandchildren!
Mike & Kim have been attending Harvest Lakeshore since 2022 and have been incredibly blessed by how God is working in and through those they worship with here. Mike has a servants heart and is willing to use the gifts God has implanted in him to serve where he is called. Mike currently leads a small group with his wife Kim. He is on the Welcome team and helps with various maintenance projects around the church.
If you have gotten to know Mike, please share how he has been an encouragement to you. As part of the elder evaluation process we ask that if you have any concerns about an elder candidate you first reach out to him directly and then reach out to the current elders. Please do so by January 4th.
Mike met his wife Kim in his senior year of college. During that time, Mike & Kim were married, he graduated with an Electrical Engineering degree from Western Michigan University, their first child was born, and they moved to Stevensville as Mike started his 39 year career with Indiana Michigan Power. Mike & Kim started attending a local church where they mentored, encouraged, and had incredible opportunities to live out their faith in a community of believers. In addition, Mike & Kim helped lead Youth Group, provide leadership as founding board members of a local ministry for girls called "Well of Grace", and start a Marriage Ministry program. Together they raised their 4 children and are passionate about investing in their 12 grandchildren!
Mike & Kim have been attending Harvest Lakeshore since 2022 and have been incredibly blessed by how God is working in and through those they worship with here. Mike has a servants heart and is willing to use the gifts God has implanted in him to serve where he is called. Mike currently leads a small group with his wife Kim. He is on the Welcome team and helps with various maintenance projects around the church.
If you have gotten to know Mike, please share how he has been an encouragement to you. As part of the elder evaluation process we ask that if you have any concerns about an elder candidate you first reach out to him directly and then reach out to the current elders. Please do so by January 4th.